Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Mike Gunther ,Have Mercy!

Now available on the internet, you can watch Mike Gunther's video, Have Mercy (Quicktime).

I played air bass in the video (and bass on the song), but the real stars are the beautiful dancers from Le Cirque Rouge de Gus Burleque Cabaret.

Mike Gunther and His Restless Souls play at Mala's this Friday, around about midnight. Contact me through comments or for directions.

Monday, April 11, 2005


Originally uploaded by TVDave.
It must be Halloween in the spring. More stuff from Neuss - stay tuned for a Strainer video starring these three.


Originally uploaded by TVDave.
My friend Neuss wants to use the web to display his art. So I take a few pictures, an hour later and here it is.

He does a lot of woodblock prints. I don't know what he calls this, but I called it crescent blanket. He liked it because it was "contrasty."