Monday, September 17, 2007

Boundary Waters 2007

Michelle and I just returned from a fantastic/relaxing trip to the Boundary Waters, where we filled our canoe with supplies, then camped in the wilderness for 4 days.

You can work hard in the Boundary Waters, and see as many lakes as possible -- or you can take it easy and camp out, stay put and relax reading or fishing, just taking in the nature around you.

We only paddled for an hour or so, then found a great site and didn't move until the last day, when we went exploring.

A family of loons lived on the lake, and we watched the parents catching little fish to feed to the nearly full-sized adolescent birds. The young loons were brown, white and fuzzy, and they hadn't yet grown the common-loon black and white plumage.

We also heard wolves howling at the bright waning moon, and a walk in the middle of the night showed off our dark moon shadows.

We left with our batteries recharged, and some beautiful memories.

More pictures from our trip here.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Lori makes a boat

So Hilary and Rebecca can pose for a picture, Lori looks for what will float their boat!

Monday, May 07, 2007

Wedding Well - Please Donate to Togo Village

My great friends Mike and Lori are being married this summer. As a wedding gift, they are raising money to drill a well in Game, a Togo village where Lori served in the Peace Corps.

Mike and Lori have already helped drill one well, and feel that the villagers could use a second well for better access to clean water. They will also be visiting Togo for their honeymoon.

They need your help!

Visit the Wedding Well webpage to donate, see Lori's photos, and learn more about Togo and the wedding well project.

New Flowers - New Camera

It's spring - and our bulbs are shooting out flowers right and left. We too will be shooting with our new Canon camera.

Who needs a pack of cigarettes, when this is smaller and has more video capabilities. I shot this video, right out of the box and into the garden. Check it out!

Friday, March 02, 2007

Mike Gunther on the Current

Mike Gunther and His Restless Souls were guests on Chris Robert's local show on Minnesota Public Radio last week. We chatted with Chris, and he spun local music, then we played songs throughout the show.

MPR has a beautiful studio. We had fun setting up and playing...I could hear the bass really well through a condenser mic/direct setup. You could hear the wood vibrate. My bass was happy, the place was humid--very good for the wooden instruments during this dry time of year. I'm sure they keep it that way all the time, although I'd like to think it's cuz our music was so steamin'!

Listen here: Real Audio Stream

Here is some live video from our March CD release at the Turf Club, from Schedule Two.

Also, there's a nice article about our Feb. 7 show at the Triple Rock, on a new myspace music magazine site Shoot Life.