Mike Gunther and His Restless Souls were guests on Chris Robert's local show on Minnesota Public Radio last week. We chatted with Chris, and he spun local music, then we played songs throughout the show.
MPR has a beautiful studio. We had fun setting up and playing...I could hear the bass really well through a condenser mic/direct setup. You could hear the wood vibrate. My bass was happy, the place was humid--very good for the wooden instruments during this dry time of year. I'm sure they keep it that way all the time, although I'd like to think it's cuz our music was so steamin'!
Listen here: Real Audio Stream
Here is some live video from our March CD release at the Turf Club, from Schedule Two.
Also, there's a nice article about our Feb. 7 show at the Triple Rock, on a new myspace music magazine site Shoot Life.