Monday, September 17, 2007

Boundary Waters 2007

Michelle and I just returned from a fantastic/relaxing trip to the Boundary Waters, where we filled our canoe with supplies, then camped in the wilderness for 4 days.

You can work hard in the Boundary Waters, and see as many lakes as possible -- or you can take it easy and camp out, stay put and relax reading or fishing, just taking in the nature around you.

We only paddled for an hour or so, then found a great site and didn't move until the last day, when we went exploring.

A family of loons lived on the lake, and we watched the parents catching little fish to feed to the nearly full-sized adolescent birds. The young loons were brown, white and fuzzy, and they hadn't yet grown the common-loon black and white plumage.

We also heard wolves howling at the bright waning moon, and a walk in the middle of the night showed off our dark moon shadows.

We left with our batteries recharged, and some beautiful memories.

More pictures from our trip here.