Saturday, June 11, 2005


Originally uploaded by TVDave.
I haven't posted for a while, I take my vacations very easy. Plus there are too many photos to deal with! But here's a simple flower in my own backyard. Back home again...

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

More on the Music Industry

Downloading music doesn't hurt artists as much as major labels. If music is going to represent our human experiences, it can be heard all around you, from people in your community, if you'll look a little closer. And if your community is on the internet, you should be able to get and share music that way.

The folks at have a complete set of resources on intellectual property in music.

Also check out my friend Chuck's video on music bullies: Welcome to the Future shot in Minneapolis at the Fine Line Music Cafe.

More resources:
- Steve Albini
- Civil Disobedience
- Stay Free

Monday, May 02, 2005


How many layers are you?
Where did you get them, and how many came free with your experiences?
What makes us unique?
And what makes some charge for the rights to view their uniqueness?

Downloading music is not a crime
Because music is something that's free
As soon as it's made
As you experience it
You can't put it in a bottle
Just as no one can harness how years pass.
How many songs have you heard, even today?
How many jingles, how many birds, how many musicians?
And within that, how many notes?
Now...who can own a note?
They all funnel right in, and hopefully right back out.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Mike Gunther ,Have Mercy!

Now available on the internet, you can watch Mike Gunther's video, Have Mercy (Quicktime).

I played air bass in the video (and bass on the song), but the real stars are the beautiful dancers from Le Cirque Rouge de Gus Burleque Cabaret.

Mike Gunther and His Restless Souls play at Mala's this Friday, around about midnight. Contact me through comments or for directions.

Monday, April 11, 2005


Originally uploaded by TVDave.
It must be Halloween in the spring. More stuff from Neuss - stay tuned for a Strainer video starring these three.


Originally uploaded by TVDave.
My friend Neuss wants to use the web to display his art. So I take a few pictures, an hour later and here it is.

He does a lot of woodblock prints. I don't know what he calls this, but I called it crescent blanket. He liked it because it was "contrasty."

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Fight MetroTransit Cuts

Light Rail Kid
Originally uploaded by TVDave.
Funding shortfalls are causing MetroTransit to raise bus and train fares, merge lines and reduce frequency of trains and buses. Twin Cities residents need to let MetroTransit and government officials know that people rely on these systems. The impact of cuts affect riders and discourage use of public transit, and it's not worth saving a couple bucks in taxes every year. We need to invest in our people and our future. Take ACTION!

From Skyway News, comments can be made in the following ways until May 1:

1. Comment cards, which will be made available on buses and trains;

2. E-mail to

3. Fax to 651-602-1464

4. Mail to: Regional Data Center, Metropolitan Council, 230 E. 5th St., St. Paul, MN 55101

Dave on Light Rail
Originally uploaded by TVDave.
5. The Met Council will also be having public hearings on the proposed cuts in April.

6. Finally, contact your state senator and representative and ask them to support a dedicated source of funding for Metro Transit (if you live in the suburbs, this is particularly important).

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Snow Drifts

Snow Drifts
Originally uploaded by TVDave.
Ironwood is a beautiful spot just across the Wisconsin border into the Michigan U.P. Relaxation in the outdoors, with meat and pot...atoes for dinner.

There was plenty of snow for cross-country skiing, even though there's no snow left in the Cities. The lake-effect off Superior made for feet and feet.

The bar scene was fun, for sure. We could just barely see around the chainsaws hanging from the ceiling at Brewsters to catch the Illini winning the Big 10 basketball tournament. And 5 beers cost as much as 1 would in the big city.

I said I was looking for answers to Moonball, and to see where Tom Hyry came from. But the light in this photo shows the presence of greater forces at work.

Cribbage Board

Cribbage Board
Cribbage Board,
originally uploaded by TVDave.
"Cribbage Board, Cribbage Board on the floor, what do I play Moonball for?"

I went to Ironwood seeking wisdom, and some weird things started to happen. I don't remember asking this Cribbage Board anything about Moonball. But it gave me an answer anyway.

Will it provide clues to next year's winner? Or next year's chump?

Click here to find the answer and see other Ironwood shots on my Flickr page. Bonus points for anyone who can identify the shape on the cribbage board.

Alien vs. Predator

NBA pictures from last year. The ultimate battle! Dedicated to Abe.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Breaking through the Skillet

Today I finally welcomed a little content into, and got rid of that "Coming Soon" status. By using frames, I just brought this blog in under the banner, and Viola, instant homeskillet! I could probably have links all over the place on here, and then navigation across the top, if I got off my butt for a minute.

Now I just have to get rid of these friggin' Dots! They remind me of the little candy that used to come stuck to paper. They tasted good for a while, but then you started tasting the paper. I think they're probably as influential as candy cigarettes, teaching kids to eat LSD.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Feel like a Viking

If people can post about their feelings on their blogs, then I can post about things that seem important to me too. Like beer.

This is a beer that's from Wisconsin. Much more tasteful than a Minnesota beer named after the Green Bay Packers.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Santa Protest

Santa Protest
Santa Protest,
originally uploaded by TVDave.
Here is a picture from out by the courthouse. I'm not sure what they're protesting, but it's got my attention. I've always been a Santa guy.


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

How easy is this?

How easy is it to blog? It's easy to read other blogs. And is it easy to add it to my website?

I'd also like to show a little picture of my little dog.

He's a patriotic pooch!